Monday, February 19, 2024

Tips to Boost Release Confidence in Kubernetes

Software development takes a lot of focus and practice, and many newcomers find the thought of releasing a product into the world a bit daunting. All kinds of worries and fears can crop up before release, and even when unfounded, doubt can make it difficult to pull the trigger.

If you’re using a solution like Kubernetes software to develop and release your next project, below are some tips to boost your confidence and get your product released for the world to enjoy:

Work With a Mentor

Having a mentor on your side can be a big confidence booster when it comes to Kubernetes software. Mentors provide not only guidance and advice, but they can also boost your confidence by sharing stories of their own trials. Finding a mentor who specializes in Kubernetes is ideal if this is the container orchestration system you’re working with, but a mentor with experience in any type of software development product release can be beneficial.

Take a Moment Away From Your Project

In any type of intensive development project, it can be easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Many developers find themselves working longer hours as the release of a product grows near, and this can contribute to stress, worry and doubt.

When possible, take some time to step away from your work for a bit. If you can put your project down for a few days to get your mind off of things, this will provide you with some time to relax and come back to your project with a fresh set of eyes and a clear mind.

Ask for a Review

You can also ask trusted friends and colleagues to review your work before release. This may not be a full-on bug hunt, but it can help you have confidence that the main parameters are working fine and that no glaring issues exist. You can also ask for general feedback, but be careful not to let the opinions of others sway you from your overall mission of developing a stellar product that fulfills your vision.

Read a similar article about Kubernetes dev environments here at this page.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Extending Gitops: Effortless Continuous Integration And Deployment On Kubernetes

Over the last decade, there have been notable shifts in the process of delivering source code. One of the more recent adaptations on the deployment aspect of this process has been the declarative and version controlled description of an application’s desired infrastructure state and configuration read more

How to Test Service APIs

When you're developing applications, especially when doing so with microservices architecture, API testing is paramount. APIs are an integral part of modern software applications. They provide incredible value, making devices "smart" and ensuring connectivity.

No matter the purpose of an app, it needs reliable APIs to function properly. Service API testing is a process that analyzes multiple endpoints to identify bugs or inconsistencies in the expected behavior. Whether the API connects to databases or web services, issues can render your entire app useless.

Testing is integral to the development process, ensuring all data access goes smoothly. But how do you test service APIs?

Taking Advantage of Kubernetes Local Development

One of the best ways to test service APIs is to use a staging Kubernetes cluster. Local development allows teams to work in isolation in special lightweight environments. These environments mimic real-world operating conditions. However, they're separate from the live application.

Using local testing environments is beneficial for many reasons. One of the biggest is that you can perform all the testing you need before merging, ensuring that your application can continue running smoothly for users. Adding new features and joining code is always a daunting process because there's the risk that issues with the code you add could bring a live application to a screeching halt.

Errors and bugs can have a rippling effect, creating service disruptions that negatively impact the app's performance and the brand's overall reputation.

With Kubernetes local development, your team can work on new features and code changes without affecting what's already available to users. You can create a brand-new testing environment, making it easy to highlight issues that need addressing before the merge. The result is more confident updates and fewer application-crashing problems.

This approach is perfect for testing service APIs. In those lightweight simulated environments, you can perform functionality testing to ensure that the API does what it should, reliability testing to see if it can perform consistently, load testing to check that it can handle a substantial number of calls, security testing to define requirements and more.

Read a similar article about Kubernetes API testing here at this page.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Guide on How to Build Microservices

Microservices are quickly becoming the go-to architectural and organizational strategy for application development. The days of monolithic approaches are behind us as software becomes more complex. Microservices provide greater flexibility and software resilience while creating a push for innovation.

At its core, microservices are about having smaller, independent processes that communicate with one another through a well-designed interface and lightweight API. In this guide, we'll provide a quick breakdown of how to build easy microservices.

Create Your Services

To perform Kubernetes microservices testing, you need to create services. The goal is to have independent containerized services and establish a connection that allows them to communicate.

Keep things simple by developing two web applications. Many developers experimenting with microservices use the iconic "Hello World" test to understand how this architecture works.

Start by building your file structure. You'll need a directory, subdirectories and files to set up the blueprint for your microservices application. The amount of code you'll write for a true microservices application is great. But to keep things simple for experimentation, you can use prewritten codes and directory structures.

The first service you should create is your "hello-world-service." This flask-based application has two endpoints. The first is the welcome page. It includes a button to test the connection to your second service. The second endpoint communicates with your second service.

The second service is the REST-based "welcome service." It delivers a message, allowing you to test that your two services communicate effectively.

The concept is simple: You have one service that you can interact with directly and a second service with the sole function of delivering a message. Using Kubernetes microservices testing, you can force the first service to send a GET request to your REST-based second service.


Before testing, you must make your microservices independent from the hosting environment. To do that, you encapsulate them in Docker containers. You can then set the build path for each service, put them in a running state and start testing.

The result should be a simple web-based application. When you click the "test connection" button, your first service will connect to the second, delivering your "Hello World" message.

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Tips to Boost Release Confidence in Kubernetes

Software development takes a lot of focus and practice, and many newcomers find the thought of releasing a product into the world a bit daun...